Why African Countries Should Embrace Starlink [Africa Top STRATEGIES]

Why African Countries Should Embrace Starlink

[ICT Media STRATEGIES] – Several African countries have recently asked Starlink to cease marketing its satellite internet services or have blocked its arrival. However, I firmly believe that this approach is misguided. In this article, I will present eight key arguments and proposals for why African countries should instead work with Starlink to bring its innovative internet services to their citizens.

The Current Situation

Starlink has announced that it will suspend its satellite internet connection in countries where it lacks the necessary authorizations, effective April 30, 2024. This decision affects many subscribers in countries where Starlink has not yet been officially installed, including thousands of Cameroonians.

My Position

I am against banning Starlink in African countries. Instead, I believe that African states and regulators should work with Starlink to ensure that its services are available to those who need them. Starlink should respect the regulations applicable in African countries, and I propose that countries approach Starlink to:

  • Request the restoration and/or maintenance of internet connections while awaiting final authorization
  • Accelerate Starlink’s application to operate legally in their countries by expediting their provisional deployment schedule

Find here Eight Key Arguments and Proposals

In conclusion, African countries should embrace Starlink and work with the company to bring its innovative internet services to their citizens. By doing so, they can improve digital connectivity, drive economic growth, and enhance the overall quality of life for their people.

About the Author

Beaugas Orain DJOYUM is the CEO of ICT Media STRATEGIES and a leading expert in business intelligence and e-reputation in Africa. This article is part of his Africa Top STRATEGIES business intelligence column.

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